•  Illness at School Guidelines

    Dear Parent,
         GISD recognizes that on occasion a student will exhibit symptoms of a contagious illness.  In compliance with the Texas Department of State Health Services guidelines, a student with any of the following signs or symptoms must be excluded from school.  A student my return to school when they are:
          1) free of the signs and symptoms
          2) has been satisfactorily treated
          3) submits a signed physician's statement that he/she is no longer contagious
         Your child can also be sent home from school for any of the following reasons listed below:
    1.  temperature of 100.4 or above
    2. pain and/or swelling at the angle of the jaw
    3.  undetermined rash over any part of the body
    4.  undiagnosed scaly patches on the body or scalp
    5.  small white nits on shaft of hair (see head lice policy)
    6.  persistent vomiting
    7.  persistent diarrhea
    8.  red and/or draining eye
    9.  intense itching with signs and symptoms of secondary infection
    10. open draining lesions or sores with signs and symptoms of secondary infection
    If you have any questions, please feel free to call the nurse's office at any time 940-665-6091 or email at jgary@gainesvilleisd.org