Fever Policy

  • Gainesville ISD Policy regarding when a student can return to school after having had a fever has changed. The policy now requires a student with a temperature of 100.0 or greater to stay home from school for 24 hours. This is a district policy, so students will be required to remain home for 24 hours even with a doctor’s note.

    According to Gainesville ISD policy if your child has fever or is sent home from school with fever, the child must be fever free without medication for 24 hours  before returning to school.

    GISD recognizes that on occasion a student will exhibit symptoms of a contagious illness. In compliance with Texas Department of State Health Services guidelines, a student with any of the following symptoms must be excluded from school.


    A student may return to school when the student:

    A. Is free of the symptoms

    B. Has been satisfactorily treated

    C. Submits a signed physician’s statement that he/she is not contagious


    Your child was excluded today for the reason circled below:

    1) Temperature of 100. degrees or higher (must be fever free without medication for 72 hours prior to returning to school)

    2) Undetermined rash over any part of the body

    3) Undiagnosed scaly patches on the body/scalp

    4) Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea (children with any diarrheal illness should be excluded from school until they are diarrhea free for 24 hours without the use of diarrhea suppressing medication)

    5) Red, draining eyes (Conjunctivitis, bacterial and/or viral: exclude until physician permission to return or until symptom free)

    6) Intense itching with signs/symptoms of secondary infection

    7) Open draining lesions

    8) Jaundice

    9) Other as deemed necessary by nurse

    10) Covid-19 symptom – follow GISD Covid -19 map and/or return with physician note