Parent Advisory Committee
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) provides crucial feedback to me as Superintendent, and your insights will help us enhance both the learning environment and the opportunities we provide for all our students. We will meet four times per year to discuss a wide range of topics—from the state of education to the many opportunities available to our children. Together, we will explore how our district can better support and involve parents in this important process. There are four meetings scheduled for the year: October 9, December 11, February 5, April 9. All meetings are held from 5:30 - 7pm at the GISD Administration office.
Research has shown that one of the most important factors in a student’s success—across all backgrounds and circumstances—is parental involvement. By participating in school governance, you gain a deeper understanding of the motivations, attitudes, and abilities of educators and fellow parents alike. You also have the opportunity to serve as a resource for your children, often increasing your own confidence and skills in the process.
By joining forces, we can build upon the many successes our students have already achieved, while paving the way for even greater accomplishments in the future. I am fully committed to ensuring that our children receive the highest quality education possible, and I welcome all who wish to be part of this important work to join us at the table.
These meetings are open to anyone who wants to join.
Meeting Agendas/Notes
October 9, 2024
- Quick Intro
- What do you expect to gain from this committee?
Meeting Norms
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC), a valuable opportunity for you to work closely with our district leadership in designing the roadmap for our educational future.
State of the District Presentation
- Two out of five buildings are at 100% capacity
- There are ongoing repairs needed at Edison and Junior High campuses
Parental Involvement
How to increase parental involvement in PAC?
- Classroom Teachers communicating/inviting parents feels more personable
- Classroom Teachers send advanced notification through School Status
- Short Messages/Reminders
- Better placement of meeting dates in the Newsletters (removing repeated, non-relevant information)
- Have student recognitions at meetings
- Provide two time options for working parents
- Provide child care
- Let parents know if they can bring their children
- Provide activity for children (movie night, etc.)
- Provide translation instead of separate meeting for non-English speakers
District Communication
- Appreciate communication through Facebook & School Status
- Short reminders
- Important dates for Parent Involvement listed first in Newsletters
- Add Videos regarding Involvement Opportunities
Dress Code...Questions/Comments
- Why are athletic shorts not allowed for boys?
- Why do we not have uniforms?
- Will there be consideration to relax the restrictions on dyed hair colors at the High School level?
- Have there been discussions with teachers and administrators about realistic expectations for enforcing the dress code?
- Can students be given alternate clothing (sweatpants, t-shirt, etc.) instead of being sent home?
- Is dress code inhibiting students from attending school or causing them to feel singled out?
- Could there be a student public meeting regarding dress code?
- Uniforms do not allow for individual expression
- Uniforms are more expensive for families
- Uniforms are more noticeable when unlaundered
- Uniforms requiring shirts to be tucked in is a concern for students of certain body types and sizes
- Uniforms do not allow students to learn how to dress for the workplace
- Dress code should respect individuality with modesty
- Care is needed not to sexualize girls when addressing dress code
- Care is needed not to analyze girls more than boys when addressing dress code
- Kids are going to wear what they want
- There is not consistency in enforcing the dress code
- The lack of uniformity of student group dress does not reflect a since of pride
- Appreciated the dress code being available on the website before back-to-school shopping
2024-2025 GISD Focus
- Math & Reading
- GISD Promise
- Robotics
- Attendance
Campus Safety & Security
- Smart Tag Implementation for bus riders is almost complete
- GISD currently employs 4 full-time GISD police officers (looking to hire additional)
- Plans for Head Start to move to the current administration building will provide a more secure building.
The Future of GISD
- Aging Facilities
- Campus Capacity
- Limited Programming
- District Growth
- PRIDE!!!!!!
Question & Answer
- What day of the week is best for PAC meetings? Majority answered Wednesdays
- How will Vouchers affect GISD? Minimal impact to GISD
- Are we looking to hire a full-time nurse at Chalmers? Yes
Bond Questions:
- Is there a different strategy to get voters? Reaching out to retired/older population
- Why do you feel the bond failed previously? Over 65 population, Population that lives here but students go to school elsewhere, Those who do not have ties to the community are the ones who voted
- How to form a Political Action Committee (PAC)? Discussion to be discussed at facility steering committee meeting (dates TBD)
- Meet with retired and community members that do not have school age children
- Explain tax increase or lack there of
- Guide for Dummies to aide in advocating
- Flyers with pictures & clever bullet points
- Informercial including a walk-through showing the current state of schools & repairs needed
- Involve AV classes in advertising
- Provide child care during bond meetings
- Show our community that our kids are worth the investment
- Community Service from student organizations
- Reiterate what the bond will fix
- Reach out to local businesses (these students will be in your workforce)
November 13, 2024 (Spanish)
1. Bienvenido · Introducción rápida · ¿Qué espera obtener de este comité?
2. Cumplimiento de normas ·
3. Presentación del Estado del Distrito ·
4. Participación de los padres ·
5. Comunicación distrital ·
6. Código de vestimenta · ·
7. Enfoque del GISD 2024-2025 · Matemáticas y lectura · Promesa de GISD · Robótica · ÁVIDO · Asistencia
8. Seguridad y protección del campus
9. El futuro del GISD · Instalaciones para personas mayores · Capacidad del campus · Programación limitada · Crecimiento del distrito · ¡¡¡¡¡¡ORGULLO!!!!!! =BONO
10. Pregunta y respuesta
11. Aplazar
December 11, 2024
- Welcome
- School Calendar Options 2025-2026
Calendar Facts: Teacher Flex Days -has resulted in better teacher attendance
4 Day School Week-Decrease in Student Discipline- See presentation for full list
6 Intervention days built in to calendar
Next year- school day reduced by 15 minutes
Calendar A- includes fall break, 176 Teacher Days & 158 Student Days ,currently 156
Calendar B-No fall break & a few more working Mondays
This year teachers have 11 flex days. Options A&B will also have 11 flex days.
- Campus Safety and Security
- Facility Needs of the District - Potential Bond
- Summer School 2025
- GISD Projects (Ongoing/Planned)
- GISD Safety and Security Committee
- Strategic Plan Revision
- Raising the Academic Bar- CCMR Initiatives – for ALL students
- GISD Legislative Priorities
- Questions & Answers
- *Check GHS Cheer Room/Closet for CENTEGIX Alarm Light
- CENTEGIX CrisisAlert Training needed for Students
- Q: Is there a plan to cover/enclose a walkway/corridor at the JH between the Fine Arts building and the cafeteria? A: There have been discussions & will be an internal decision.
- Needs to be reinforcement of accommodations & accommodations in test settings amongst testing coordinators & campus principals at HS
- Liaison needed to instruct those in charge of meeting the needs of students
- Student council advising, should come from staff, not students
- Support/Training needed for instructors and testing instructors
- Make Parent Information Available Re: Industry Based Certifications (IBC) & what is required to meet College Career Military Ready (CCMR) requirements
- Concern that schools officers are frequently seen sitting in vehicles on their cell phones
- More police officer presence needed
- Parent sent 18yr. old sister to pick up 6-year-old at Edison & she was granted access to the building & students. She was not required to show ID or verify her relationship to the student. Another adult male walked in at the same time & also had access to all children & walked around unaccompanied
- Parent said they have walked into Chalmers without being seen or signed in
- Parent stated a staff member drove in the wrong direction in school parking lot and almost hit their son
- SRO not at the front entrance where parents have been told they would be monitoring
- More police presences could possibly mitigate some safety & security costs
- Defined protocols are needed for staff in regard to safety measures, parent/guardian pick-up requirements, visitor check-in, etc.
- Enforcement of repercussions if protocols are not followed is needed
- Concern about parking on Radio Hill Road (parents informed not to park on the street, but still do)-No adult redirecting traffic, students walk across street during drop-off and pick-up *Dr. Stewart talk to Chief Philips
- Q: Can GISD hire security guards in addition to armed officers to increase police presence?
- Suggest adding student/senior safety teams to do perimeter checks at campuses
- Q: If the Bond passes, will it reach each campus A: Yes
- Q: Are Teacher Incentive Allotments being looked at? A: Yes, 2nd meeting Fri.
Safety & Security Committee
2 Parents & 1 Teacher needed to join the Safety & Security Committee.
Signed up to Join:
Jennifer Cox (parent), Karen Manuel (parent), Robin Perkins (teacher)
February 5, 2025
1. Welcome
2. Bond 2025
3. Strategic Plan Revision 2025 – 2030
4. Legislative Overview
5. Parental Involvement/How can we improve?/What can we do to get more parents to the table?
6. Parent Concerns – ICE
7. Questions & Answers
8. Adjourn
Attendees were given a GISD SPOTlight Magazine. GISD is excited to showcase our students and staff in the Gainesville ISD SPOTlight magazine, which is published twice per year. The magazine was created to engage and inform our Gainesville community of the many great things happening at GISD every day. We are excited to highlight the amazing opportunities we have to offer our students!
Bond 2025
A Special meeting for the purpose of ordering a bond election for the May 3, 2025 will be held on Monday, February 10, 2025 @ 3:00 p.m. at the GISD Administration Building, 800 S. Morris St. Dr. Stewart discussed the projects that are listed in the bond including safety & security measures, renovations, classroom & CTE additions.
The following PAC members are interested in joining the Political Action Committee (PAC): Katy Pyle, Christa Call, Elsa Young
Q: Will employees of GISD receive information regarding the rules for employees in regard to electioneering?
A: Yes
Q: Will there be spruce ups/touch-ups at the Junior High School prior to or regardless of the bond passing?
A: Yes, repairs and upkeep will be part of summer projects
Dr. Stewart stated regardless of the bond, creating a secure vestibule at the Junior High will move forward.
- Discussed growth in Gainesville & Infrastructures needed
- Tax Impact & Homestead Exemptions
- Large Class Sizes & Portable Buildings expected if campus capacity needs are not met
Strategic Plan Revision 2025 – 2030
- Strategic Plan will expire at the end of this year
- Dr. Stewart will be looking at forming a committee
- Will be getting input from parents to generate new strategic plan that will be the blueprint for 2025-2030
Legislative Overview
- Senate Bill 2
- Vouchers (educational savings accounts)
- Dr. Stewart hopes to testify in Austin to advocate for Gainesville ISD
Parental Involvement
- How can we improve?
- What can we do to get more parents to the table?
- Advertise through Videos, Facebook Live, Summer Reading
- Add dates to SPOTlight Magazine
Parent Concerns – ICE
- Dr. Stewart has an interview tomorrow with local news station regarding ICE and our protocols
- Parents have received information regarding GISD protocols
- Campuses are informed of the protocols and prepared for different scenarios
Dr. Stewart has put the message out to ensure students understand that this situation is not to be used as a tool to talk negatively about others
Q: Does ICE have to have a warrant
A: Yes, and there is a checklist of requirements before they are allowed to enter GISD property/campus
Questions & Answers
Q: How often does GPD patrol California Street in front of Edison?
A: More presence is needed. Email Chief Phillips & cc Dr. Stewart with concerns.
Q: Is the possibility of using security officers on campuses being considered?
A: Yes, conversations will continue to happen. Filling the GISD Chief of Police position is the first priority.
Suggestion: Look at the pool of retired officers
GISD currently contracts with off-duty GPD officers.
- Parent of Intermediate student was not given the opportunity to help her child pick his schedule for Junior High & now having trouble getting his schedule changed (Dr. Stewart will contact the principal)
- Parking lot at Chalmers – Parking attendant needed at events, parking lot gets completely packed and parked cars get blocked in
- Appreciate the new environment at Head Start & increased parental involvement opportunities
Comments regarding Bond:
- Would like information regarding tax breakdown and comparison of school vs city taxes
- Suggest having an event at polling location
- Suggest having an event to get people registered to vote
- Dr. Stewart plans to have someone on each campus that can register people to vote and have a Senior pass out voter registration at upcoming school events
- Biggest need is getting people that would vote Yes for the bond, to get out and vote
The next PAC Meeting is April 9, 2025 5:30 – 7:00pm, Admin Board Rm
Then next Spanish PAC meeting is TBD