Mission Statement
GISD Department of Child Nutrition Mission Statement
The mission of the Gainesville Independent School District Department of Child Nutrition is to continue to provide a place where students like to eat. It is our purpose to champion the educational process through nourishment, support, fun and excitement. We intend to accomplish these goals through the following objectives:
Providing a dynamic dining environment that encourages participation.
Generating revenue to further the availability of instructional and administrative resources.
Uniting students, parents, teachers, administrators, board members and the community one meal at a time.
We are excited to serve up happy and healthy to Gainesville . We are proud to welcome students into school cafes loaded with new flavors, events, and wellness education! Our goal every day is to make sure that students leave the cafeteria happier and healthier than when they arrived.
Gainesville Independant School District partnered with Chartwells K12 will bring technology to the forefront of the dining experience to help students and parents make informed choices. We understand you want to know about the food your students eat – the ingredients and how it’s prepared. Nutrislice, our menu software platform, provides easy, up-to-date and immediate access to all Gainesville. Community School menus. You’ll have access to food descriptions, nutrition and allergen information.
For all menus visit:
Or Download the Nutrislice app for FREE
Chartwells remains focused on feeding kids, taking care of our associates and supporting the Gainesville community. We recognize that the mealtime experience at each school may look very different this year. As your students return to school please know that Chartwells is committed to feeding the students of Gainesvillein the safest way possible. Chartwells will support all scenarios and solutions designed to meet the needs of the changing school environment