Translation Policy
Gainesville ISD Translation Policy
As part of Title I, Part A School-wide program requirements, Gainesville ISD adheres to the following procedures for translation and interpretation services for families of Gainesville ISD students.
The Home Language Survey is used by Gainesville ISD to identify languages spoken by families within the district. Families of Gainesville ISD students speak the following languages according to the original Home Language Surveys collected when a student first enrolls in a Texas public school: English and Spanish.
Section 1114 (b)
An eligible school operating a school-wide program shall develop a campus improvement plan. (4) The information contained in such plan shall be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that the parents can understand.
Section 1112 (e)(4); 1114 (b)(4); 1116 (e)(5); and 1116 (f)
Information regarding student interpretive, descriptive, and diagnostic reports, plans, policy, compact, parent meetings, and other required correspondence must be given in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand.
District Level
- The Gainesville ISD district website can be translated into various languages by selecting the translate language link at the top of the Gainesville ISD website homepage.
• Parents/Guardians can change the language on the district Facebook page to translate into another language.
• Gainesville ISD staff are available for the district to help translate information for parents/guardians into Spanish.
Campus Level
• Each campus has available staff to help translate information for district level parents/guardians. All campuses have personnel available who can help translate or interpret as needed for parents/guardians whose first language is Spanish.
• Translation and interpretations in Spanish will be made available at any meeting, parent conferences, Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) Meetings, Assessment, Review, Dismissal (ARD) Meetings, 504 Meetings and parent/guardian school events as needed.
• Translation in Spanish through the GISD staff occurs through written translation and oral translation.
• Documents and information sent home will be translated into Spanish on request.
• Parent Portal (parent/guardian access to student grades) for Gainesville ISD the parent can choose to utilize English or Spanish to access.