•  Guidelines for Medication Administration at School

    Dear Parent or Guardian:
      Please read over this carefully as these are the rules concerning medication on GISD campus'.  ALL medications should be given outside of school hours if possible.  ANY medication given times a day can and should be given at home, before school, after school and at bedtime.
    If and when your child needs to bring medication to school, these are the RULES that must be followed:
    1. ONLY medication which is required to enable a student to stay in school may be given at school.
    2.  ALL medications are to be in original containerMedications sent in baggies or improperly labelled containers will not be given.
    3.  The student is responsible for coming to the office and asking for the medication.
    4.  The information on the medication request form must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian.  This is also located on the GISD website.
    5.  If a prescription medication is to be taken for longer thatn 10 school days, the parent and physician's signature is required on the medication request form.  Physician's must be in the surrounding area.
    6.  For grades Pre-K thru 8, all medications(including non-prescription) must be kept in the nurse's office.  With the Exception of:
          A. Inhalers
               1.  Inhalers for elementary studetns will be kept in nurses office
               2.  Students in grades 5-12 are allowed to carry their inhaler on their person if requested by doctor in writing(if student is improperly using or allowing others to use their inhaler this privledge will be revoked)
               3.  PRIMATENE Mist is NOT allowed without a doctor's order